
Dont Forget To Post Some Comments

Friday, February 5, 2010

Return of The Come Back

I am back guys and ready for some blogging for the sake of mankind. To all those visited my site while I am away, Thank You!

Hope you leave some comments in my post. ;)


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Under Site Redirection

Site is undertaking a massive turnover in a more peaceful webspace. Post more details for current advancements.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Wii for Vii

As you can see, you can see a Wii on action. Well, think again, these Chinese folks had mimicked Nintendo Wii by the name of Vii!!! That is, until Meizu's OS X duplication team becomes available.

A Lego flushing robot

Here is you'll never see your ordinary Lego can do. Well there is the toilet and the flush and a Lego set. What can you see is a auto-flush Robot that can flush your toilet after you use. Just sit tight then stand and the robot will trigger the flush. It also works when you close the lid of the toilet seat. BattleBricks has created this robot with the help of NX Mindstorms kit. Here the video with the Logo Flushing Robot can do. You can visit for how to create this robot.

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